Referral Forms

Adult Referral Form
Refer a woman to SWACA.
191.89 kb - PDF
Child Referral Form
Refer a child or young person to SWACA.
155.71 kb - PDF
COPVA Adult Referral Form
Refer a woman who has experienced child on parent violence/abuse to SWACA.
190.01 kb - PDF
COPVA Child Referral Form
Refer a child to SWACA who is causing harm to a parent.
155.19 kb - PDF
Refuge Referral Form
Refer a woman for refuge support.
101.21 kb - PDF


Children's Leaflet
Learn more about how SWACA can support children and young people.
1.55 mb - PDF
Adults' Leaflet
Learn more about how SWACA can support women.
1.98 mb - PDF
Timeline Poster
Information about how domestic abuse can affect you at any stage in life.
554.52 kb - PDF
SWACA Safeguarding Policy
Policy governing SWACA's safeguarding procedures.
121.41 kb - PDF
Volunteering Leaflet
Discover how you can volunteer your time at SWACA.
1.68 mb - PDF
Volunteering Application Form
Apply to become a SWACA volunteer.
138.26 kb - PDF
COPVA Leaflet
Learn more about SWACA’s Child on Parent Violence/Abuse service.
2.35 mb - PDF

Useful Links

Helps people to beat their problems with drugs and alcohol.

Improving support for families affected by drugs and alcohol.

Provides support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking.

Alcohol Concern
National agency on alcohol misuse.

Leading agency supporting professionals working in drug & alcohol treatment, drug education and prevention and criminal justice.

Fast Forward
Helps young people to understand the facts about drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

Support for drug users and their families.

UK-led agency involved with drug abuse, alcohol abuse, drug addiction and related disorders.

Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by their parent’s drinking.

Rehab 4 Addiction

Rehab 4 Addiction works closely with rehabilitation centres and outpatient clinics throughout the United Kingdom and the admissions team match a patients’ addiction with an appropriately placed rehabilitation centre.

Provides a range of services dedicated to meeting the health, welfare and legal needs of drug users and those who live and work with them.

She’s in Recovery
Online community with support, health, medical and chemicals information and resources for women in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction.

Substance Abuse and Dental Care
Find out information on substance abuse and oral health.

Chinese Information and Advice Centre
Supports Chinese women and children who are victims of, or at risk of, domestic violence.

Domestic abuse information in over 110 languages.

Hot Peach Pages
International directory of domestic violence agencies.

Jewish Women’s Aid
Provides support to Jewish women and their children affected by domestic violence.

Latin American Women’s Network
Supports Latin American and other Spanish/Portuguese speaking women experiencing domestic violence.

Muslim Women’s Network
Empowers Muslim women and girls by researching and raising awareness of their experiences, views and rights.

Provides Islamic/holistic domestic violence support services to women and children.

Bursting the Bubble
This website helps children and young people to work out what’s OK in a family and what’s not. It explains what to do if someone in the family is hurting or abusing them or another family member.

Children’s Legal Centre
Promoting children’s rights in the UK and worldwide.

Provides information, support and resources to children, young people and their families on bladder and bowel problems.

Freedom Charity
Empowers young people to feel they have the tools, confidence and support around the issues of family relationships which can lead to early and forced marriage and dishonour based violence.

National Youth Advocacy Service
Supports children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Working to end child cruelty across the UK.

Respect Not Fear
Website produced on consultation with young people. Contains useful games and activities.

The Hideout
Support for children and young people affected by domestic violence

The Site
A young person’s guide to the real world.


Young Minds
The voice for young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

Advocacy after fatal domestic abuse (homicide or suicide) and near misses.

Improving support for families affected by drugs and alcohol.

Provides information, support and resources to children, young people and their families on bladder and bowel problems.

Family Rights Group
Confidential advice for families whose children are involved with children’s services because of welfare needs or concerns.

Advice and practical support for single parents.

Match Mothers
Offers non-judgemental support and information to mothers apart from their children in a wide variety of circumstances.

Mums Net
Website run by parents for parents.

Net Mums
Help and support on everything to do with being a parent.

One Space
Parenting site for single parents and their children.

Parentline Plus
Provides support in all aspects of family life. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Relation Kit
Offers support on common things like struggling to communicate well with your partner, raising kids together, and parenting after break-ups through engaging content.

Works with children and adults with learning disabilities who have experienced abuse or trauma, as well as those who’ve abused others.

Advice and support for parents whose children have been abducted or if they fear abduction by a former partner.

Special Needs Family Fun
Family fun and disability support for families with special needs.

Karma Nirvana
Supports victims of honour based abuse and forced marriage.

Rape Crisis
Promotes the needs of women and girls who have experienced sexual violence.

Provides support to anyone affected by rape and sexual abuse in Wirral, Liverpool and Sefton.

A web based resource with information, links, events and news about recovering from child sexual abuse.

Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service
Information, advice and support for those experiencing stalking.

Women’s Aid – Online Safety Guide
Staying safe and secure online should be a priority for anyone suffering from or at risk of domestic abuse. This useful guide will show you how.

Refuge – Tech abuse and tech safety resources

These resources will equip you to understand how to use different devices, apps, websites and networks safely.

Looking for more information?

Get in touch